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The Physician’s Lounge for Texas Health Huguley Hospital is complete! The design provides physicians comfort, relaxation, and functionality. This renovation produces organic social interaction space and rejuvenation zones.
Physician Lounge at Texas Huguley Health Hospital

We are thrilled to announce the launch of GUIDEGreen, a new committee at our firm dedicated to helping us deliver a healthier, more sustainable environment. The team has created an internal workflow that challenges us to think about whole-building design through the lens of 5 main objectives, with the goal of creating the very best for our clients and our climate.
ADVOCATE: How do we design projects that protect and support diversity?
ADAPT: How do we design projects that are resilient to change, both in use and based on climate?
RESPOND: How do we design projects that are optimized by the site?
RENEW: How do we design projects that restore and enhance the site?
COLLABORATE: How do we design projects that promote wellness from within?

Located in Las Cruces, NM, ASC of the Heart is a fantastic project with an elongated entry sequence that guides patients to a place of healing.
ASC of the Heart